by Christine | Observations
First, the Romance!
Do I have books for you!! First, the Romance – yes, always my friends, because there can never be too much love in the world. I am much neglectful – this should have gone out much earlier, but here we are! Links to books and people are highlighted – please check everything out!

There are a LOT of stories to be had here, all wrapped up for you. GO HERE to check it all out! All sorts of romance, so there is bound to be something for everyone. The Bedroom Diaries is in there, too, just in case you didn’t see that earlier. I have a story in this collection, ha! All the books are, I believe, ebook only.
Next, the Witchy Book!
Stephanie Rose Bird is an author new to me, and she’s written an amazing book that I am still reading, so I can’t fully give you a review: but I can quote Ivo Dominguez Jr, who said this: “The topic of African-inspired and -informed herbalism is remarkably broad, and Priestess Stephanie Rose Bird manages to cover a great deal of material, geography, history, and matters of the spirit in her book The Healing Tree. More importantly, she does so with a voice that shares like a friend, educates like a teacher, and proclaims ancestral lore like an oracle.” After such praise, you KNOW you want this book!

The Healing Tree
Now, Three Tarot Books
First… I went to the Northwest Tarot Symposium last weekend, and on the Swap table (where you bring decks and other divination items you no longer want) THIS BOOK WAS THERE. Of course I snapped it up, immediately! I thoroughly enjoy Sasha Graham’s work, and have been eyeing this book for a while. We’ve met in person but haven’t spent much time together. Some day!

Next, I picked up my copy of Ethony’s newest book, Tarot Grimoire! She autographed it for me, too! I adore her, she’s an amazing human being and a good friend. I’m really looking forward to digging into this book.

Lastly, when I got home from the Northwest Tarot Symposium, this gem was waiting for me! Mat Auryn is also friend of mine, and I so enjoy seeing him succeed. Working through this book is going to take quite some time; but if you want to deepen your tarot practice, give it a go. You never know where The Psychic Art of Tarot will take you!

So, that’s it. These are the books I’m diving into on any given day this fall season. All of the authors have their websites linked to their names above – please check them out. If you wish to purchase, each book has a link to Amazon (but feel free to get the books from your local bookstore!).
THANK YOU for reading, and I’ll catch you next time!
by Christine | Observations
This is a long tale, one that has consumed me for 19 days.
Let me explain. The last full weekend in July, I went to Mystic South in Atlanta, Georgia. I had a wonderful time and will blog about that at a later date…my mind has been completely focused on what I left behind when I got to the airport.
Specifically, the black and gray bag pictured in front. The one carrying my thoughts, future learning, scent, snacks, charging abilities, memories. (Shout out to Scruffy Dog Trading Company for a marvelous travel/all around bag.)

I didn’t realize I’d left my trusty bag in the Uber that had taken me to the airport on July 28th until I was through security. That’s when I started to panic. Mind you, I had my ID and credit cards and cash on me, in a type of travel wallet around my neck, which is why I didn’t notice my bag being elsewhere before I got through security. Immediately I hit up Uber, asking to connect with my driver. Eventually we did, I couldn’t go back to the front as I didn’t want to miss my plane, so I offered him $100 to mail my bag to me in California. He agreed, gave me his phone number.
I had to buy a new charging cord for my phone for the plane, since my phone would now be my sole companion on the flight.
I jumped through hoops in the next couple of days, as we texted back and forth, working on a solution. Tried to up his tip to $100; it didn’t take. Tried CashApp; my bank doesn’t like that app so that was a no go. My bank doesn’t like Apple Pay, either. He tried to download Venmo; that didn’t work. I FINALLY hit upon the solution of sending him a Visa gift card for $100, which he could use anywhere for anything. Then he said he needed to take it somewhere he could cash it out.
Okay. Whatever.
That was Wednesday, July 31st. He said he’d put it in the mail that day, and then poof – nothing. I tried texting him Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and nothing. He never read my texts, whereas earlier he’d been timely on reading them and responding. I could only figure that he blocked my phone number. Then he blocked me on social media (because yeah, I checked for him – I could see he HAD a profile, but I couldn’t access it). The thought crossed my mind that he wouldn’t mail my bag back to me.
I started thinking about all the stuff in my bag. My copy of The Witch’s Path, by Thorn Mooney who I finally got to meet in person at Mystic South. She’d written something inside when I had her autograph it, and I hadn’t gotten the chance to read what she’d written.
The notebook where I had notes from the second half of Mystic South. Thoughts, feelings, doodles.
A perfume from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab – it was one of their limited time only, 3-note scents. Smelled like a delicious, dark caramel. There was less than a third of the bottle left, and it’s gone from their website. Irreplaceable.
Those snacks I had packed, so I could eat something relatively healthy on the plane, and M&Ms to counter the healthy. My Inkjoy pens, my favorites for doodling ever. My airpods. All my charging cords – phone, watch, my power bank – all these were easily replaceable, and yet…
By Monday, August 5, I’d had it. Reached back out to Uber. Told them what happened. Sent screen shots of our phone conversations. They basically said they’d talk to the driver and see if there was a mutual time and place for us to meet so he could get my bag to me, and to give it a couple hours. If I don’t hear from them or him, to contact them again. I told them I was in CALIFORNIA and he was in ATLANTA, so that wouldn’t work. I kept that window open so it would be easily seen in its entirety by anyone new who came along.
I waited. Nothing. I waited 4 hours. Still nothing. Finally reached out, saying I hadn’t heard anything. They got back to me, said they were trying to reach him but he must be driving. But to give it to the end of the week, then reach back out.
On Thursday the 8th, I reached out again, and this time when they tried to walk me through directions to be put in contact with the driver by their system, I had to explain (again) that he’d blocked my number. I’d paid him $100 to mail my bag back to me, and he’d blocked my number the same day (July 31). I received crickets back.
By Friday August 9, I was certain I’d never see my bag again and I mourned the contents. Early that morning, I ordered a new bag exactly the same; Amazon had it delivered to me by 5pm. My life pocket was back, just new and without my stuff. It felt way too light, but at least I had a semblance of normal and wasn’t carrying my wallet and keys around in a small canvas bag from Romance Authors Mastermind.
At 6pm August 9, I received communications from Uber that began, “Christine we are so sorry this has happened.” They were going to call the driver in and talk to him 1 on 1, and they refunded my trip cost from the hotel to the airport (about $30). At 8:35 pm Friday, I received a text from the driver, who said he would mail my bag Saturday morning. I thanked him.
On Saturday, about 11am, I received a text – just a photo of the receipt from the USPS, stating delivery should be Wednesday the 14th. I thanked him again.
I tracked that package like crazy, and when it finally did arrive yesterday the 15th, I had to track it down to the second floor because he put suite 3 not 300 and fine – I got it.
My bag. I cried a little, happy tears, when I realized it was all there. M&Ms, perfume, airpods, Thorn Mooney’s book, bags of nuts, pens, charging cords, power bank, notebook with workshop notes…it was all there. Nineteen days of uncertainty. Nineteen days of wondering if I’d been a big fool for trusting someone to do the right thing. Nineteen days of unwavering hope.
That bag became, to me, a symbol of trust. I trusted the driver to get it to me, untouched. I trusted my instincts when I paid him that money (he made a $70 tip off it, as it was just around $30 to ship it to me). I trusted Uber to believe me, and back me up (which they finally did). To have it in my hands once more was a validation of that trust.
My first knee jerk reaction, when I realized I didn’t have it with me, was eh, it’s just stuff and it’s all replaceable. Well most of it. Then I remembered Thorn’s inscription. The perfume. My airpods. In the air, I reached for that bag time and again only to realize I couldn’t doodle, I couldn’t read Thorn’s book, I couldn’t snack. I couldn’t listen to a meditation. An instant of inattention, of rushing when I needed to go slow, was the cause of me missing the fact that my black bag was left behind on the floor in the black interior of a white Kia.
I have had to learn the hard way that not everyone can be trusted. But even though it took nineteen long days, I am so glad that this time, my instincts to trust were rewarded.
(P.S. This is a good book by a wonderful person.)

That’s all for now, my friends. Sending you love, always.
by Christine | Observations

The Bedroom Diaries is a new anthology I’m in, and it’s all about the wrong bed! Here’s the official blurb:
Curl up with this collection of romances where fate, mistaken identities, and falling into the wrong bed lead to unforgettable love stories. From moonlit encounters never meant to happen to fiery passion ignited in the most unlikely situations, each story unfolds with a twist of destiny and desire.
Whether it’s a second chance at the one who got away, strangers linked by a booking mishap, or old friends rekindling romance in unexpected places, the wrong bed becomes the right place for love to bloom.
Escape to lush, fun, and unexpected places where the thrill of discovery sets the action (no pun intended) in motion and our satisfying endings leave you believing in the power of love, fate, and a little bit of serendipity.
HERE to pre-order yours!
Secondarily, but just as (if not moreso) important, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈 Sending love and lots of hugs and recognition to all my LGBTQIA+ family and friends. You are valuable, you are loved, and you matter.
It’s past my bedtime now, so off I go. Sending lots of love to you, wherever you are!
by Christine | Life, Tarot, Writing
Be Here Now

Photo of V and Mitchell Osborn at Readers Studio 2024 taken by me. (Mitchell is also the bomb. Check his website out!)
Back in the day, Be Here Now, a book by Ram Dass published in the 1970s, ended up being a catch phrase for everyone to stop thinking too far into the future and to focus on here and now. Last weekend when I was at Readers Studio, I had a tarot reading with the AMAZING V, your Tarot BFF. First we talked (okay, I kind of fell apart, lol) and then she started pulling cards. And what it all came down to was, I was trying to use old software on new hardware…like trying to get a floppy disk read by a USB port. Not happening, right?
Well, the systems I had in place when I was regularly writing novels, you know, fifteen-twenty years ago, probably won’t work for me now because – surprise! – I’m that much older (and don’t like getting up at 3am if I happen to wake up, and going to write for a couple hours). I need a new system in order to get the books written.
I don’t have that new system in place quite yet. I’m still working on it. But I’m writing, bit by bit, word by word. The desire and the need is there. The heart is there. I will find a way, a new system, that works with the me that I am now, post pandemic. And as I go, I will give myself grace. I don’t change overnight. I don’t create the new in the blink of an eye. It takes me time to find my groove, and work out the wrinkles. I’ll get there, and hopefully soon, because I’d really like to have this book finished and turned in before the end of June. We’ll see.
All this to remind you that you aren’t the you of twenty years ago…nore are you who you will be twenty years from now (give or take). So be here now…adjust your systems to work with today’s you, not yesterday’s you.
You’ve got this. And so do I.
Love, always.
by Christine | LA Times Festival of Books, Life, Observations, Writing

I Did It!
I only went to the wrong parking garage twice. Sigh. BUT. Traffic behaved (though there were a couple of folks out there who learned how to drive by playing Mario Kart 8). I got there, parked, found my way to the Los Angeles Romance Authors booth (924), and settled in to start the volunteer process.
Let me tell you – we had SO many people! We were out of free goody bags way before lunch! I don’t know how Alexis Morgan-Roark and all the other wonderful volunteers did it. A great big beautiful booth, not too far from the LA Times Main Stage – we were perfectly positioned for excellent foot traffic, and we got it.
Yes, there were a LOT of people. But the Festival was spread out across the campus, so it wasn’t like we were all crammed into a performance venue. Below is our booth…The Duke, Just Ken, and Fabio got a LOT of attention. Just Ken is the object of an Opportunity Drawing…a fundraiser for our chapter. We’re hoping someone will take him home today!

There was music, there were outdoor talks that were free, there were panels and indoor talks that you needed to have previously purchased tickets for. There were food trucks galore, and they all had huge lines, but I chatted with Kelle Z. Riley and we got to know each other a bit, which was nice.
I took Sandy R. home (a chapter mate I’ve known since 2002), but unfortunately we received the wrong directions to get to the Shrine Parking Garage – We were sent to Exposition Blvd and should have been sent to Jefferson St, which we were actually closer to! Which means we walked the length of the Festival. Twice. But I got 8,200 steps in, so that counts for something, along with aching feet.
The drive home was jammed with traffic – where was everyone going??? Always a mystery…but I got Sandy home safely, and made it to my house where Tom had my bath ready. A hot bath, a lovely nap, and some wonderful Mario Kart 8 racing (Tom won, thanks to the algorhythims. Bloody blue bomb…). A tasty dinner, and a wonderful night’s sleep, and all is right with my world.
My fears dissipated with the morning clouds yesterday – and I vowed then and there that I’d be signing books next year, at the Festival of Books, with my LARA Chapter mates. Which means I have plenty of work to do now. It took me twenty years, but I did it.
Is there something that scares you, but that you know you want / need to do? Grab your courage with both hands and give it a go. You’ll never know until you step into your power and do the thing.
Sending everyone love and hugs. Always.