by Christine | Mashup of Awesomeness
The Friday Mashup of Goodness
It’s been a week and a half. I’m digging into YouTube, figuring out Pinterest, using my son as my personal assistant and learning how to work that relationship (as I’m paying him, too) as well as write, read, be a good worker bee and a better wife/mom. As I work out my plans for the blog/life/everything, some posts aren’t getting written and I do apologize!
However, I have links I’d like to share!
Leonie Dawson has a terrific article on her blog about the Four Commandments of Being Creative: How Not To Freak Out Fuc* It Up or Flounder Your Magical Idea – something all of us could use.
For those of you who are constantly surprised to find food that is growing its own civilization in your refrigerator, there’s this gem that my brother found – it’s called The Shelf Life of Food. I think we should all post it on the fridge, don’t you?
Shelly Johnson has a post today called Simplifying Won’t Kill You (And It Just May Save Your Life) that everyone should read. I’m now itching to clean out my closets, and if you know me, you know that’s an aberration.
My good friend Catie Rhodes has an awesome post up today called Grave Houses – Cities of the Dead that you really must read.

The handsome Aaron Michael Ritchey.
And to top it off, Aaron Michael Ritchey (Awesome Author of The Never Prayer) interviewed me, and we’re giving away books to people who comment. Aaron needs comment love so I’d appreciate it if you’d shower him with some.
Part One and Part Two
In Other News…
Here in So Cal, it’s going to be a warm weekend. An easy travel wine is the Sofia Blanc de Blancs, a sparkling wine in a small can. Yeah, I know. But sunshine, a can of sparkling wine, some grapes and cheese and crackers, and a walk along the beach. Go for it – get your vitamin D in naturally, move those bodies, feel alive.
Thanks so much for dropping by. Oh, and did I mention that if you comment over at Aaron’s place on one of the two blog posts, you might win a copy of one of my novels? Go on! Comment! You know you want to…
~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~
Demon Soul and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle and Kobo! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?
by Christine | Mashup of Awesomeness

In the spirit of Holiday, and Freedoms, and all around extreme coolness, I’m passing on some blogs – or books – that I’ve found to be amazing, wonderful, interesting, or just very, very cool.
First up is Ais Portraits and her terrific post about food styling. This young woman is a terrific photographer, and I’ve just today found her. Trust me when I say I’ll be following her development!
Ais’s mom is Lorna Tedder, and her blog is The Spiritual Eclectic. An all around great place to hang. Lorna is good peeps and seeing her change and grow has been an amazing journey this past few years – plus I learn a lot!
I have to give a shout out to my very dear friend, Lynne Marshall. Her single title, ONE FOR THE ROAD, is out now from Wild Rose Press and it’s definitely a book full of heart. Lynne is a writer who knows how to dig into your emotions and keep you hooked, right from the beginning. You can find her book here.
For knowledge and fun, give Catie Rhodes a try. She’s a writer who blogs about – well, a lot. Today, she’s blogging about high treason, and how everyone who signed the Declaration of Independence could have been drawn and quartered (and I don’t mean have a portrait made and given a place to sleep), plus a lot worse. She gives good history – it’s another place where I always learn something.
For writers looking for mentors, check out Kristen Lamb’s blog. She’s the #1 social media guru for writers, in my opinion. Plus, she’s downright funny and fun to hang with. She teaches online classes, too – so if you can grab one of those, do!
Another terrific writing mentor is Bob Mayer. I’ve taken his Warrior Writer class twice now, both times in person, and done all the exercises in his book at least twice. He’s dedicated, funny, and prolific. He’s got his finger on the indie press pulse, and I’ve learned a lot from him. Because of an idea he gave me in one of his workshops, I sold my first book. So I’m also forever indebted to him!
And last but not least, for this week anyway, is a wine blog by Joe Roberts called 1 Wine Dude. He’s a “certified” wine specialist, but he’s straight forward, funny, and not at all pretentious. I’m actually gonna find him on Twitter and follow, as he does reviews there. He tastes tons of wines of all price ranges and is witty about his reviews but not obscure.
So there you have it, some of my favorite online places to hang. Coming soon is a blog on pink wines – why, oh why couldn’t they have just kept calling them Rose? (Pretend there’s an accent on the “e” for me, okay?!)
In the meantime, have a safe and happy Fourth of July. Love from my house to yours!
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Have you read DEMON SOUL yet? You can find it at Crescent Moon Pressor Happy Reading!