First, the Romance!

Do I have books for you!! First, the Romance – yes, always my friends, because there can never be too much love in the world. I am much neglectful – this should have gone out much earlier, but here we are! Links to books and people are highlighted – please check everything out!

There are a LOT of stories to be had here, all wrapped up for you. GO HERE to check it all out! All sorts of romance, so there is bound to be something for everyone. The Bedroom Diaries is in there, too, just in case you didn’t see that earlier. I have a story in this collection, ha!  All the books are, I believe, ebook only.

Next, the Witchy Book!

Stephanie Rose Bird is an author new to me, and she’s written an amazing book that I am still reading, so I can’t fully give you a review: but I can quote Ivo Dominguez Jr, who said this: “The topic of African-inspired and -informed herbalism is remarkably broad, and Priestess Stephanie Rose Bird manages to cover a great deal of material, geography, history, and matters of the spirit in her book The Healing Tree. More importantly, she does so with a voice that shares like a friend, educates like a teacher, and proclaims ancestral lore like an oracle.” After such praise, you KNOW  you want this book!

The Healing Tree

Now, Three Tarot Books

First… I went to the Northwest Tarot Symposium last weekend, and on the Swap table (where you bring decks and other divination items you no longer want) THIS BOOK WAS THERE. Of course I snapped it up, immediately! I thoroughly enjoy Sasha Graham’s work, and have been eyeing this book for a while. We’ve met in person but haven’t spent much time together. Some day!

Next, I picked up my copy of Ethony’s newest book, Tarot Grimoire! She autographed it for me, too! I adore her, she’s an amazing human being and a good friend. I’m really looking forward to digging into this book.

Lastly, when I got home from the Northwest Tarot Symposium, this gem was waiting for me! Mat Auryn is also friend of mine, and I so enjoy seeing him succeed. Working through this book is going to take quite some time; but if you want to deepen your tarot practice, give it a go. You never know where The Psychic Art of Tarot will take you!


So, that’s it. These are the books I’m diving into on any given day this fall season. All of the authors have their websites linked to their names above – please check them out. If you wish to purchase, each book has a link to Amazon (but feel free to get the books from your local bookstore!).

THANK YOU for reading, and I’ll catch you next time!