by Christine | Observations
My first publisher, Crescent Moon Press, is having a Huge Black Friday .99 Kindle SALE! Check out some of these great authors below and don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter for your chance to win lots of fun stuff!
The sale runs from Black Friday to New Years, so there’s lots of time to buy LOTS AND LOTS OF FABULOUS BOOKS published by Crescent Moon Press!

Caden’s Fate, by Kate McKeever
Fairyproof, by Constance Phillips
Resurrecting Harry, by Constance Phillips
Speak of the Devil, by Shawna Romkey
The Devil Made Me Do It, by Shawna Romkey
What Gifts She Carried, by Lindsey Loucks
The Grave Winner, by Lindsey Loucks
Violet Midnight, by Lynn Rush
Violet Dawn, by Lynn Rush
Violet Storm, by Lynn Rush
Wasteland, by Lynn Rush
Awaited, by Lynn Rush
Tainted, by Lynn Rush
Prelude to Darkness, by Lynn Rush
Son of a Mermaid, by Katie O’Sullivan
Blood of a Mermaid, by Katie O’Sullivan
Wanted: One Ghost, by Loni Lynne
Ruined, by Kinley Baker
Denied, by Kinley Baker
Endured, by Kinley Baker
Gemini Rising, by Louann Carroll
A Shadow of Time, by Louann Carroll
Dakota Capitve, by Alythia Brown
Sorrow’s Point, by Danielle DeVor
Sorrow’s Edge, by Danielle DeVor
Red, by Reese Reed
The Memory Witch, by Heather Topham Wood
Not Your Average Fairy Tale, by Chantele Sedgwick
Not Your Average Happy Ending, Chantele Sedgwick
A Stiff Kiss, by Avery Olive
Won’t Let Go, by Avery Olive
Idyllic Avenue, by Chad Ganske
Rift Healer, by Diane M Haynes
Still Hunt, by Diane M Haynes
First Contact, by Kat Green
Citizens of Logan Pond: Life, by Rebecca Belliston
Irons in the Fire, by Penelope Marzec
The Company You Keep, by Penelope Marzec
Kiss of Blarney, by Penelope Marzec
a Rafflecopter giveaway <– Seriously, check this out!
Happy Black Friday, a day late!
by Christine | Writer Wednesday, Writing
Writer Wednesday
Today we’re welcoming in author Shawny Romkey with her YA paranormal romance novel, Speak of the Devil. I, for one, can’t WAIT to read this book!

The lovely Shawna Romkey
Let’s find out a little about Shawna before we check out her book, shall we?
Shawna grew up in around farms in the heart of Missouri but went to the University of Kansas, was raised in the US but now lives on the ocean in Nova Scotia with her husband, two sons, two rescue dogs and one overgrown puppy from hell. She’s a non-conformist who follows her heart.
She has her BA in creative writing from the University of Kansas where one of her plays was chosen by her creative writing professor to be produced locally, and two of her short stories were published in a university creative arts handbook. She earned her MA in English from Central Missouri State University where she wrote a novel as her thesis.
She’s taught English at the university and secondary levels for close to twenty years and can’t quite fathom how all of her students have grown up, yet she’s managed to stay the same. She’s a huge geek and fan of Xena, Buffy and all kick ass women, and loves to write stories that have strong female characters.
Now for the Cover, the Blurb, and the Excerpt!

What happens when falling in love and falling from grace collide?
After dying in a car accident with her two best friends, Lily miraculously awakens to grief and guilt. She escapes to her dad’s to come to terms with the event and meets some people at her new school who seem all too eager to help her heal. Sliding deeper into sorrow and trying to fight her feelings for two of them, she finds out who…what they really are and that they are falling too.
Can she find the strength to move on from the past, reconcile her feelings for Luc, find a way to stop a divine war with fallen angels, and still pass the eleventh grade?
Rain fell, not uncommon for late spring in Missouri. “If you don’t like the weather here,” my grandfather would say, “wait five minutes.” Of course, I’d visited distant relatives in Maine once before, and they said the same thing.
Julie fumbled with the wipers while I pulled the sun visor down to check my face in its little rectangular mirror, even though I’d only left my vanity like five minutes ago. The lights on either side lit up the interior of the car. I reached into my tiny party purse to find my lip gloss, which was easy to locate since I’d only packed the essentials in my bag: phone, some cash, and make-up. As I glanced at myself, I saw Mike in the reflection, smiling at me from the back seat. I stuck my tongue out at him, making him laugh, and put on the lip-gloss, fully aware of how flirty I acted.
The windshield wipers couldn’t keep up with the sudden downpour. The pitter-patter turned to thumping. Hail came down in gumball-sized pellets. “Damn.” Julie jerked the steering wheel to keep The Whale off the curb.
“Slow down, Jules.” Mike gripped Julie’s headrest. “We can pull over until it passes.”
“Yeah.” She squinted to see the road before her.
I pressed my lips together to smooth out the gloss. “Damn is right. I didn’t bring a jacket.”
The Whale swerved to the right crunching along the gravel on the side of the road. I braced myself in my seat. Julie leaned up to the steering wheel and peered over it as my grandmother sometimes did when she drove. I squinted because of the stupid light up visor mirror. I slammed it shut, but Julie panicked and over corrected, pulling The Whale to the left and careening over the yellow dotted line in the middle of the street.
“Julie!” Mike shouted.
Time slowed and ticked out in heartbeats.
Ba bum.
Julie cringed, her hands moving up to shield her face. Her head turned away from the highway.
Ba bum.
Mike reached protectively from the back seat.
Ba bum.
The headlights illuminated the rail of the overpass.
Ba bum.
The car hit the rail on the opposite side of the road with a hard thud.
Ba bum.
Crap. We’re going over the bridge.
Ba bum.
The Whale’s nose pointed down toward the water.
Ba bum.
A jolt forward and my forehead slammed into the dashboard.
Ba bum.
The Whale flipped in the air. I’m upside down.
Ba bum.
Ba bum.
Did my mom say good-bye when I left?
Ba bum.
Cold water rushed into the car.
Ba bum.
Is this it?
Ba bum.
I can’t breathe. Oh my God, I can’t breathe. I can’t see or breathe!
My heart quickened. It pounded. The Whale leaned on its side under the surface of the water which rushed in fast, and I couldn’t see a damn thing.
Calm, stay calm. Don’t panic. They say when you’re drowning not to panic because you use up your air faster.
Dammit, am I drowning?
I tried to get myself upright and jerked out of my seatbelt. Luckily, it gave way. I fought the latch to open the door facing up, but the pressure of the water from Black Water River held it closed, trapping me inside.
Jesus. I know this river. It’s more of a creek. It can’t be more than fifteen feet across and ten feet deep. I pushed at the door. Opening my mouth to scream, I swallowed water.
I couldn’t see or hear Julie or Mike. My watch ticked. Or was it my heart beating?
Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum.
Defying gravity.
The dreams came. Like a good sleep you don’t want to wake up from. I felt heavy and floaty. I wore this long white gauzy gown and the wind blew my dress and my hair like in some feminine hygiene commercial. I could breathe slowly and deeply. Completely relaxed and at peace, but I was alone.
I floated along in a white space for a while. Drifting. Breathing. Relaxing. Had I gone to a spa? After an immeasurable amount of time, others appeared. They wore white clothing, too, and they floated like me, reaching out. They opened their arms as if to welcome me to them.
I stopped and frowned. I heard no sound, and I didn’t know who these white floaty people were or why they welcomed me. They smiled, genuinely happy, and held their arms out to me. I panicked.
Where’s my mom? My family? Wait, Mike and Julie were just with me, where are they? Are those wings?
I noticed the others floating with me had white feathery wings.
“Lily,” one of them called out.
Holy hell. I’m dead.
WOW! What an excerpt – I know Shawna’s going to be around today, so if you have any questions, let her have ’em in the comments!
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by Christine | Writer Wednesday
I am pleased to introduce debut author Jody A. Kessler to you today. Welcome, Jody! Let’s get right to the interview, shall we?
CA: What made you decide to write a novel?
JAK: I’m not sure I did decide. One day I was taking care of my toddler and the next I was writing a story during his nap. Every day since, I have been totally engrossed in all aspects of writing novels. I loved to write when I was a kid and through high school, but then my life took a completely different direction. Returning to writing has been the most amazing challenge but I’ve loved every second of it — except maybe those #&*%#! query letters and the dreaded two page synopsis.
CA: Why paranormal?
JAK: Paranormal is more normal for me than it isn’t. I’ve been interested in the metaphysical, spiritual, and paranormal my entire life. I even tried to learn how to read tarot cards when I was around ten years old — by the way — I’m not very good at it. I loved playing with the pendulum and going to the metaphysical store when I was a kid and it never really stop appealing to me. So when it came to writing, I basically write what I know, but also what I like.
CA: How many books/short stories do you have planned for this series?
JAK: I’m pretty sure there are four books in the series, An Angel Falls. Death Lies Between Us is the first and Angel Dreams is the second. Number three is in the works.
CA: Where would you live, if you could live anywhere in the world?
JAK: I’d like to see more of the world first, and then I’ll have to get back to you. But I would like to add that Europe is at the top of the list. I love the history and the architecture.
CA: Name 3 simple joys in your life
JAK: Spending time with my family. Relaxing outdoors — especially near water. & See’s chocolate. I always feel better after a piece of See’s. It’s the best. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it.
CA: Ooh, I love Sees, too! If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead or fictional, who would it be and where would you go to eat?
JAK: There are so many fascinating people in history, but for today, I will say Leonardo da Vinci. And I would love to eat a meal with him in his home territory of Florence or Milan. If he was unavailable, I wouldn’t hesitate to sit down with, Aristotle, Yogananda, Saint Francis, Mozart, or Benjamin Franklin.
CA: If you could give just one piece of advice to a writer starting out, what would it be?
JAK: Enjoy it. Life is too short to waste time doing anything you don’t love.
CA: Excellent advice! What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have a Day Job?
JAK: My main job right now is to raise my son. But I also teach yoga and have done so for about ten years.
CA: Wow, I’d love to teach yoga! Name one thing your fans would be surprised to learn about you.
JAK: I’m missing my thumbs. Nah, I’m just kidding. Actually my thumbs were my most important tool when I was a deep tissue massage therapist. I had my own practice for years and even though I am only 5 foot 2, I could put a good hurt on just about anyone.
CA: So you’re a massage therapist AND a yoga teacher? Plus a Reiki Master? WOW! Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?
JAK: Thanks for having me, Christine. This has been fun.
CA: Thank YOU, Jody! And now, here’s a bit about her debut book, a YA paranormal romance that is garnering rave reviews on Amazon. Check it out…

Saving the life of someone you love should not be the worst thing you have ever done, unless you are an Angel of Death.
Disgruntled with his position in the afterlife and conflicted by his feelings toward his new client, Nathaniel Evans forgoes the rules and saves nineteen year old Juliana Crowson from being hopelessly stuck in Forge Creek. This alters Juliana’s destiny and she finds herself in a series of near death accidents.
In the mountains of Colorado, Nathaniel comforts Juliana as she struggles to understand her paranormal abilities while coping with her brother’s drug addiction. When an ill-tempered Native American Shaman teaches her the difference between ghosts and place memories, she decides she wants nothing to do with the supernatural world. Too bad she doesn’t know that Nathaniel is part of it.
Will fate bring these two together, or has Nathaniel made the biggest mistake of his afterlife?
Jody A. Kessler enjoys writing paranormal novels and is a member of Pikes Peak Writers. She is a yoga instructor, Reiki Master, and a graduate from the Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy. When she took an extended leave from her massage practice to stay at home with her newborn she returned to her first true passion —writing. She spends most of her time being a mother, writing, and teaching yoga, but also likes going to concerts, hiking, practicing herbal medicine, and reading anything that catches her interest. Jody lives in the mountains of Colorado with her family.
Click on her website for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card
Find her at the below places.
Twitter: @JodyAKessler
~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~
Demon Soul and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle and Kobo! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?
by Christine | Writer Wednesday, Writing
Raven Bower
Today I’m excited to introduce you to Raven Bower, another writer pal of mine. Settle in and enjoy the interview!
CA: What made you decide to write a novel?
RB: The characters were tormenting me! Novels are a thing that need to be written, a drive that won’t relent until the finished product is complete. They’re nefarious, characters that is, and dead set on getting their way.
CA: Why fantasy?
RB: I write in several genres – fantasy, horror and urban fantasy. These were easy choices for me because I’m enthralled by things that lurk in the dark, creatures that roam the stygian depths of our imagination.
CA: Ooh, me too! Love the dark. How many books/short stories do you have planned for this series?
RB: The Weeping Dark will have between 6-9 books, depending on how the series plays out.
CA: Very cool! So, tell me. Where would you live, if you could live anywhere in the world?
RB: Upon the shores of the mighty Lake Superior. She’s beautiful, mysterious, deadly. Though, the thought of enduring so much cold is a bit daunting.
CA: I’d like to visit Lake Superior, but I wouldn’t want to live there. Too cold for me, Brrr! Name 3 simple joys in your life.
RB: 1. My family – husband Lain, kids and furries.
2. Coffee! And tea. Earl grey, hot
3. My sacred pool aka whirlpool that we installed. We did this Egyptian theme in the master bath. Soaking in there – hot and steaming – with books, paper and pen…ah yes. It’s been the birth place of many diabolical plots and characters.
CA: I am SO envious of your Egyptian spa! Do you take reservations? LOL…If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead or fictional, who would it be and where would you go to eat?
RB: Let’s see, place to eat is easy – depends on my mood at the time! Lol Right now I’d say Japanese, somewhere with good sushi. Then again, Italian has its appeal – tiramisu! Ahem. Anyway. Let’s see. Who to dine with. That’s harder as there are so many interesting people out there – past, present and fictional. Top among my list of present day people would be actor Patrick Stewart. Among those of the past (deceased) would be Aleister Crowley – he’d be quite an interesting psychological study. Fictional…hm…I’d have to say Deucalion from Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein series.
CA: Aleister Crowley, huh? I’d like to be in on that. As long as I have a really strong guy with me. Crowley kind of gives me the creeps. But back to the interview! If you could give just one piece of advice to a writer starting out, what would it be?
RB: There are two books I believe all writers ought to read at least once and they’re especially important for new writers. ‘Finding Your Voice’ and ‘Hooked’ in that order, both are by Les Edgerton.
CA: I’ll have to check those books out. What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have a Day Job?
RB: I do assorted things, really depends on my mood and my current hobby. Right now it’s fish – researching them, learning aquascaping and creating dazzling tanks filled with scaley friends.
My Day Job is working as director of Hydra Games, a new arm of Hydra Publications – we launch our first products this April! Basically it involves combining the talents of our wonderful writers, brilliant artists, Rules Gurus (we use the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system, so we need to ensure stats are all kosher) and editors to create worlds, modules, guidebooks and novels.
CA: I have a couple of sons who are very into designing computer game worlds! I should hook you up with them. Just sayin’. Name one thing your fans would be surprised to learn about you.
RB: I like coconuts. Really. The flavor and fluffiness of shredded coconut, especially when covered in chocolate. Dark chocolate – because you know not all chocolates are created equal.
CA: Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?
RB: We could keep talking about chocolate! What kind do you like?
CA: I am a huge fan of dark chocolate. And Decadent Hot Chocolate! But before we get sidetracked, let’s take a look at your new release!

When a rash of brutal murders target the most defenseless of her people, spunky captain Shayla Dormyr is determined to bring the culprits to justice. Defying the command of the Prima Canticle, who claim jurisdiction over the ritually slain children, Shayla embarks on a rebellious mission that could cost her rank and freedom.
When she unwittingly exposes a Blood Rune to her prime suspect, the troublesome sell-sword Daibryn, it unleashes arcane consequences that renders them vulnerable to an ambitious and cruel Blood Mage.
Shayla and Daibryn embark on an adventure that will take them to worlds far larger than they ever imagined where love, hate and mystery put their souls to the test.
The book sounds fantastic! Click on this Weeping Dark for the link. You can find Raven at
Raven and I LOVE comments! So…what’s YOUR favorite type of chocolate? lol!
by Christine | Writing
Here’s Shawna Romkey’s new book! Pretty spectacular, huh?

The Blurb:
What happens when falling in love and falling from grace collide?
After dying in a car accident with her two best friends, Lily miraculously awakens to grief and guilt. She escapes to her dad’s to come to terms with the event and meets some people at her new school who seem all too eager to help her heal. Sliding deeper into sorrow and trying to fight her feelings for two of them, she finds out who…what they really are and that they are falling too.
Can she find the strength to move on from the past, reconcile her feelings for Luc, find a way to stop a divine war with fallen angels, and still pass the eleventh grade?
Oooh…sounds wonderful! Keep your eyes open for this one!
~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~
Demon Soul, Blood Dreams and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?