by Christine | Writer Wednesday, Writing
Kendall Grey’s Hot Blooded came out on 7-14-14. I resisted the lure of it for two whole days before I succumbed.
I’ve read her Urban Fantasy series, Inhale, Exhale, and Just Breathe; and I’ve read her erotic trilogy, Strings, Beats, and Nocturnes. I thought I was prepared for anything Kendall Grey could throw at me.
Was I wrong.

Hot Blooded, to me, is a Hawaiian version of film-noir style, if film noir had been done now instead of the fifties.
Blood, and sex, drugs and family – ‘ohana is everything – drive the story. It’s a twisty dark tale that is utterly believable.
Grey shows you what some people will do when pushed to their limit. It’s gritty, it’s real, and it’s damn good fiction. Some of the best writing I’ve read in a long time.
If you’re looking for something different, something out of the ordinary, something that will change the way you look at the concept of “family” – then read Hot Blooded. If you’ve read it, let me know what you thought. I’m dying to discuss it with someone.
I’m in San Antonio this week, soaking up the Romance Writers of America atmosphere and hugging the stuffing out of my friends. May your week be a grand one – mahalo!
by Christine | Writer Wednesday, Writing
I’ve been neglecting my reading. No, seriously, and that’s another reason why I started Writer Wednesday on my blog. To find authors I REALLY want to read. I picked up Kendall Grey’s Inhale quite a while ago, and haven’t read it. *headdesk* Stupid me. Because I started it today and it’s fantastic. I don’t know where it’s going, but I already love the world. And Gavin. (Serena has to be all wrong for him. Just saying!)

Kendall Grey. Ain’t she awesome?
Anyway, here is the interview I did with Kendall. Enjoy!
CAA: What made you decide to write a novel?
KG: Like a lot of people, I read TWILIGHT and thought, “I could write a book!” I often wonder how many writing careers Stephenie Meyer launched with her series.
Of course, very few of us reach the level of popularity that Ms. Meyer did. It took me four years to get my first book published, and it’s still nowhere near perfect. Every time I open INHALE, I see all the things I did wrong. A writer’s work is NEVER done, but as long as you learn from your mistakes, you can only get better.
CA: Why whales? Please tell us what you do!
KG: Whales became my passion in 2006 after I took an education course (I’m a former teacher) about Situated Cognition. The theory is that people do best when they’re fully immersed in the topic or skill they want to learn. To prove the point, our class went out on a whale watch boat every day. We learned about the whales in their natural habitat, and then we taught passengers on the boat about the animals. In the course of a week, I fell totally and madly in love with the humpbacks up there in Massachusetts.
When I got home, I hit the Interwebz and soaked up everything my wee brain could absorb about whales. I went into schools (and still do) to talk to kids about what they can do to help whales. I’m a freakish fanatic. I plan my vacations around where the whales are at any given time.
When I decided to write, the heroine and hero were no-brainers. Passionate whale biologist meets gorgeous, young Australian rock star dream guy? Hell, yes!
CA: That sounds fan-FREAKING-tastic! How many books/short stories do you have planned for this series?
KG: The JUST BREATHE series is a trilogy, so just three books. I published four short “Ephemera” stories that complement the books, and I’d like to put out one more of those. There’s a character whose storyline got blown wide open at the end of JUST BREATHE, and I’ve already started writing his book, too. As long as these Elementals and Sentinels keep talking to me, I’ll keep writing about them. 🙂
CA: And that’s totally awesome. Where would you live, if you could live anywhere in the world?
KG: Either Hervey Bay in Queensland, Australia (where the JUST BREATHE Trilogy takes place) or the island of Maui. Both places are gorgeous, and both boast some of the best whale watching in the world. 🙂 <– See how I did that? I brought whales into that question. It’s how my brain works. HA!
CA: LOL! Okay – Name 3 simple joys in your life.
KG: Aside from my three Demonlings, I get great joy from writing, whales, and sewing. Not necessarily in that order.
CA: More whales, lol! If you could have dinner with any famous person, living or dead or fictional, who would it be and where would you go to eat?
KG: That’s a loaded question! I’d love to have dinner with the hero of my books, Gavin Cassidy. Really, I’d love to just sit across from him and stare for a day or two. This vegetarian might even be willing to go to a steak house with him. 😉
As for a real person, lately I’ve been reading about Che Guevara. That dude was some kind of intense. It would be really interesting to have a conversation with him. About anything.
CA: From what I’ve read, I’d be happy to stare at Gavin for a couple of days, too! Ahem. If you could give just one piece of advice to a writer starting out, what would it be?
KG: Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can’t do. You can do any damn thing you want. Just do it well.
CA: Name one thing your fans would be surprised to learn about you.
KG: Most people are surprised I was a middle school teacher. Probably because they can’t imagine my obnoxious mouth flapping at sweet, impressionable 12-year-old kids. HA! The truth is, I *loved* teaching, and middle school kids are so freaking fun.
CA: Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?
KG: I’d like to thank you for inviting me to visit your blog today, Christine. You’re an awesome host. 🙂
CA: Aww. That’s so sweet of you! (Your $20 is in the mail, lol!)
Okay – that’s the interview. Let’s get a gander at the cover of Just Breathe, shall we?

Just Breathe, 3rd novel in the Trilogy
And the blurb, of course…
WARNING: This book contains graphic language, sex, and violence. NOT SUITABLE FOR READERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.
He made a deal with the devil to save the woman he loves…
After a terrible accident rocks the foundation of their relationship, Australian Sentinel Gavin Cassidy and whale biologist Zoe Morgan call it quits. Gavin can’t forgive himself for shattering her trust, and being with the sexy rock star is killing Zoe. Literally.
But love—and duty—are powerful motivators, and alliances are forged in the most unlikely places. With the key to salvation locked inside the mind of an unconscious child, Gavin must find another way to snuff out the Fyre Elementals before millions of humans die, or make good on his deal with the devil and lose the one he loves. Again.
*The author will donate all profits from the sale of the JUST BREATHE trilogy to programs that educate people about whales and the challenges they face.
JUST BREATHE is live at:
Kendall is ALSO sharing at her blog about her first donation to help educate people about whales. Go to her blog and check it out!
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. What do you think? Does the Just Breathe trilogy intrigue you as much as it does me?
~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~
Demon Soul, Blood Dreams and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?