In my brief break from morning shift and afternoon shift, there were three important emails from the publisher. 1. Was I interested in being a part of an ad for Romantic Times, that would be distributed to the conference goers at RWA National next summer? (Um, YEAH. Please!) 2. Blurbs for all newly contracted novels are needed. and 3. A cover art form has been put up on the loop – please fill out at your earliest convenience for newly contracted novels.
So, 1 I jumped on right away, and got #3 spot on the second page. Whew! Then I had to wait until I got home last night and waded through a ton of email before getting to #2. Ten, or maybe 12 iterations passed through my frustrated hands until I finally crafted something not bad, and sent it off to my editor. Who, aside from a “frightfully awkward” turn of phrase, liked it. (It was a funny moment and I really liked her turn of phrase!) So I changed said awkwardity, and passed it on, and it was accepted! So that’s two off my to-do list.
Number 3 is more difficult. I have no idea of what I want in a cover. I know what I don’t want – no people, please – but – sigh. No clue as to what I want. That will definitely take some thinking!
Today, no day job, just Career. So as soon as I get another cup of Decadent Hot Chocolate into my tummy, I shall promptly kill the last 250 words or so and do a rewrite, which hopefully will plunge me into word thrill and I’ll get chapter four done as well as chapter five. At any rate, must finish the book – done and complete – by December 1. Absolutely must.