Yesterday I did my very first chat room party with the folks from the FF&P chapter of Romance Writers of America and the folks from Crescent Moon Press. Fun stuff! There were jokes (okay, I told those) and questions for the editors at CMP and at Lyrical Press, and lots of door prizes. Some folks slipped into a chat room to give pitches to editors. All in all, it was a very fun three hours.
I’ve picked up a critique partner – my editor put the two of us together and boy am I grateful. Just having another pair of eyes on the manuscript to point out inconsistencies or redundancies is a huge help. I only hope I’ll be able to help her, too. We shall see! She’s starting her next book through NaNoWriMo. I can’t – I don’t write my best. But I’ll be pushing the word count in November, I can tell you that. I need at least 60K to make me happy. Okay, 70K…Sigh…
Even though I dashed out to the store to pick up candy, we’ve only had four trick or treaters so far tonight. That’s not too many! But this year we didn’t put up our halloween lights or put pumpkins by the front door. Too much else going on right now. So if we don’t end up giving away all the candy, at least it’s stuff the boys will eat.
Happy Halloween, all, and keep that light on!