Life is SWEET today. I received confirmation that my paranormal romance novel, DEMON SOUL, will release in mid-March 2011 from Crescent Moon Press! This is fantastic. It really fits into my schedule, as I’m hoping to turn in the next book, DEMON HUNT, that same month – so I’ll have a reason to do some partying.
I’ve started the blog tour in motion, and there are some things I need to check on with the publishing house, but all in all I am completely stoked. My husband is, too – he feels he can “finally” celebrate the book since it’s now got a firm publication date.
My second chunk of news is I’ve been accepted to the Henry Miller Writer’s Workshop in early March, put on by the fabulous Andrea Brown Agency. I’ll be working on my YA novel, JESSE ON THE VERGE.
Third chunk of news, I’m actually headed off to the Romantic Times Convention this year! It’s here in Los Angeles, so I’m waaay excited to be saving some money. Between this convention and the workshop, I’ll have used up my workshop money.
I’m really, really looking forward to this year – it has bright-shiny-happy-productive written all over it!
So happy for you! Keep up the good work
Thanks! It’s been a long time coming. Miss you!!!
So happy for you!!
Thanks, Tab. We need to get together soon! Bring your kids out my way and I’ll feed you all (can’t drive yet, lol).
Wa-HOO! Awesomesauce!
Excellent. Couldn’t happen to a better or more deserving person. How are you feeling now that you’ve had some time to heal?
I’m feeling okay. Up and down, and far from normal, but getting used to being one-eared, lol.
Thanks for stopping by!