No, I’m not talking about the now-defunct soap opera. I’m talking about my passions in life – first and foremost is my husband, of course. But next is my undying passion for writing.
I love writing. Even when I hate it, I love it. The hate thing usually comes about from me getting in the way of the story. The love thing comes about whenever I sit down to write and time flies because I am so absorbed in the story.
Plus, the ability to work anywhere, any time, is a huge perk. Yesterday, as a friend worked on recording songs for her 4th grade play, I worked on paragraphs to wrap up the books in my series. So that was really nifty. Having a pen and paper really helps, though playing plots in my head is fun, too.
I guess I’m lucky.
Cooking is another passion. Cooking for people with special dietary needs is a challenge. I am cooking for a family tonight, only one of whom is a vegan – but I’ve got the perfect recipes for us, so I’m excited about dinner. Sounds funny, but there you go.
My gardening passion kind of dried up this summer. I hope to resurrect the garden in time to plant for winter crops – easy to grow in So Cal, but we’ll see if the cash and the time is there.
Passions. Life without them would be an unrelenting gray, I think.