Lately, I’ve been keeping a small point & shoot Nikon camera in my purse, just because I see the silliest, or coolest, things as I wander about my little corner of the world. Here are a couple of photos – one thought-provoking, one silly – and both are kinda perfect for the season.
Yeah, I really like this photo! The next one, however, took me totally off guard. I saw it as I was coming back from lunch one day. This car was parked outside a dry cleaner’s – I hurried to take the photo because I didn’t want the owner to come out and harass me for taking it. Luckily, no one seemed to notice.
And finally, I couldn’t let this post end without a photo of the family Snowflake Fairy – the first ornament my hubby and I bought for our first married Christmas, December 1980. We bought her in a Hallmark store in Seattle the same day we got our tiny, Charlie Brown Christmas tree – on Christmas Eve. It is now the ornament that is always placed first on the tree, and always gets the best “show place” on the tree.

The one and only Snowflake Fairy. On Christmas Eve, she’ll be 32 human years old. I have no idea how old that is in Fairy, but my hubby says she’s only 4.
Have you seen anything out and about that you found thought provoking or funny lately? Please share!
Sending love out to you and yours, and hoping this new week is a terrific one for you!
~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~
Demon Soul, Blood Dreams and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?
I always carried a camera with me. I’ve done it for YEARS. The only reason I stopped is now my iPhone camera is better than my old Canon digi point & shoot. LOL. When I’m going someplace INTENDING to take pics, I take either that or my DSLR, but for every day “emergency” pics? My phone is good enough.
Oh, you hit on one of my FAVORITE things. SIGNS! I have TONS of pictures of signs! In fact, I did at least two blog posts ages ago about those very things…
Sadly, the Home of Brand New Dead Things has closed. I never did go in. LOL.
LYNDA! Awesome to see you here, woman! I’ll be checking out your blog…hugs!
Love your snowflake fairy, and what a nice tradition.
Happy holidays to you and your family, and wishing you a fantastic 2013!
Thanks, Roben! Happy holidays back atcha, and I KNOW your 2013 will be SPLENDIFEROUS! Hugs!
Very cool! Thanks for sharing your finds with us. I love the snowflake fairy. 🙂 Merry Christmas, Christine!
Thanks, Rhonda! Merry Christmas!
I have taken to snapping photos of interesting things while I’m out as well. I just use my cell phone camera, though. It’s pretty good.
Love that first one! Can that be our new national motto? 😉 Have a lovely holiday, Christine!
Julie, I’m inept when it comes to getting photo to computer from my phone. I do much better with the camera, lol! Maybe some day…and hope your holiday is a wonderful one!
Great shots, Christine. All profound in their own way!
Thanks, Sam! Hugs!
Love the first photo – it’s so true. You have a great new year.
I will, Donna, thank you. You too, my dear!
I’m in the market for a point-and-shoot for the very same reason. I can’t take my big camera with me everywhere (believe me, I’ve tried), but there are so many fantastic things to see on any given day. Love that first sign!
Shannon at Writing From the Peak
Shannon, I love my Coolpix Nikon – it’s the bees knees, lol. Good luck in finding one that fits you!
Cute photos! Happy New Year to You, Christine.
Thanks so much, Brinda – happy New Year to you and yours!