So yesterday I had a reading of my very first play (because I don’t count the one I wrote in 2nd grade). It’s a two-person play and there were a couple of people listening in, so that was nice.
It went well, over all. I cringed at some of the logic holes and I teared up at the end (how very amateur of me!), but it went well. The actress loved the ending (she hadn’t read it) and the actor turned to his friends – he brought them along because he wanted to make sure he wasn’t insane, that it was a good play.
These complete strangers said yes, it’s a good play. And…and then they gave me the best possible critique because, hey, maybe it’s the second draft. There’s a lot of work still needing to be done, especially in the male character. It’s his story – she just comes in and turns his life upside down. I had all manner of asides put in the first act and they need to be massaged into the dialog – it needs to happen between the characters, face to face not in limbo.
So it was exciting, and nerve wracking, and there’s more work for me to do. But not until January when I’ll have some time. The rest of October, all of November and a part of December are dedicated to the book I need to write. Then there are the holidays and what not – so, January I’ll get back to the play.
But it’s exciting that someone who doesn’t know me and couldn’t care less about impressing me liked my work. Man, that’s a high that nothing can replace!