Every month has something special about it. Today I’m highlighting January’s gifts and chores…oh and remember, I’m in Southern California. There are things on this list that others in snowbound places can’t even contemplate until Spring.
- First hangover of the year on January 1st! (That’s if you drink. Or eat waaay too much at the party the night before.)
- If you haven’t yet, it’s time to prune the rosebushes. No pain, no roses.
- Clean out summer’s vegetable garden and prep the soil for this year’s garden.
- Enjoy the rain. Likewise, if it’s been raining and you get a cloud-free day, enjoy the sun!
- Chop up the Christmas tree for firewood. Place in big garden bags so the branches stay dry.
- Go hiking. Especially a couple of days after a rainstorm. The hills will be green, everything will be cool, and it’s a different hiking world than it is in summer.
- Hit up the beach. Wear your heavy duty sweats and watch the waves (wind depending, of course). Make sure you stop at one of those tiny roadside places and pick up some New England clam chowder to go. Enjoy while snuggling with loved one. Best part of the beach in winter? No one expects you to get into a bikini.
- If you must, plan out your yearly goals. Feel free to adjust them – remember, they’re more like guidelines for your year, rather than strict rules.
- Reach out to folks you didn’t get to talk to during the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season. Drop them a line or give them a call – you’ll be surprised at how relaxed people are at this time of year.
- Pare down your living space. Get rid of stuff you haven’t looked at properly in over a year. If you’re not seeing it anymore, it doesn’t belong in your life. Or maybe it just needs to be moved to a different room. This is aimed mostly at art, any and all collectibles gathering dust, and family photos.
- Have a portrait taken of yourself. Just you. No family. Either get a talented friend to take it, or go to the mall and get it done, but do invest. Everyone needs at least one good portrait taken each decade of their lives.
- Nurture yourself. Whether by regular meditation sessions, reading poetry or other thought-expanding literature, or purchasing a really good skin cream, take this time while the world has slowed down to be good to yourself. If you aren’t, who will be?
- Count your blessings. Keep an attitude of gratitude, and be open to the wonders that are sure to come your way.
I’m sure there are more gifts and chores available in January – what are the things that you do this month that you don’t tend to do in any other month? I’d love to know!
And if you’re interested in playing, go here to Thursday Thirteen and get the scoop! Let me know if you are, so I can track back to you.
Thanks for these reminders. I’m printing them out and putting them on my refrigerator door. Sometimes I just need a little push, and I’m grateful to you for providing it.
Great reminders. I especially love the last one.
I love hiking! Great reminders. Enjoy winter in CA. LOL