Pardon me as I indulge in some snoopy dancing (boot and all) and hurt myself patting my own back…
I am metaphorically dancing on the ceiling this misty morning with a Top Pick and 5 star review from The Romance Reviews! (Go ahead and read the review…I’ll wait!)
Back? Did you see? Oh, it’s lovely when someone “gets” you. I appreciate all the reviews I’ve received so far, but this one warms my heart. One thing I have come to realize is, not everyone can or should review books. It’s a thoughtful enterprise, with a skill-set that goes beyond merely reading the book and spewing out your opinion. The reviewer has to be able to whittle down the story to bite sized chunks that haven’t necessarily been given to them by the back of the book, and then discuss them intelligently while giving their opinion. Vixhen, who wrote this review, has those abilities in spades.
I’ve got two favorite quotes from this review…”A powerful debut novel that will capture your heart and soul.” Plus – “Ms. Ashworth’s story had action and a great plot that kept me engrossed.”
I totally heart Vixhen from the Romance Reviews. She gets the book, plus she knows how to write a review.
Now…now I can get back to writing the sequel. Have a great weekend!
Very cool for you! Well-deserved!
Aw, thanks, Julia!
Congratulations! Very happy for you:)
Thanks Stacy! Hugs!
Hi Christine!
Congratulations on a review well deserved! I’m so happy for you!
Thanks, Nas! Lovely to see you here.
Christine!!! What a fabulous review! You must really be dancing – boot and all. And may I add one more quote from the review? “I will definitely buy her next book.” 😀
Super congratulations to you!
Thanks, Debbie – you’re such a peach!
Congratulations, Christine! How exciting. I wish you oodles of success as a writer and playwright. 🙂