In the last sixty days, I’ve been introduced – and influenced by – three writer sites/blogs. Yes, I know there are a ton more out there, and everyone has their favorites – but these are mine.
First up has to be Holly Lisle. I subscribe to her newsletter – she has a ton of writing courses available, plus a free mini-plot workshop (though I don’t know how long it’ll be free). I’ve been using her for my latest plot – and I’m LOVING it. The story is not remotely the same as the short story – and that’s kind of the point. It can’t be. Anyway – for Holly’s site and other fab info, go see her at You won’t be disappointed!
My second go-to site is Even if you’re not a member, there are a ton of articles to read on a daily basis that will expand your horizons and introduce you to new authors. I’ve only been a member for a couple of weeks, and as soon as I can figure out the forums and how to get my team going on the bootcamp, I’ll be swimming there happily. Plus, several members are also working with my publisher, so that’s a perk that I can’t get elsewhere.
My third favorite site is Kristin Lamb – find her at Her tagline is We Are Not Alone – and she’s specifically talking to writers. There is so much solid information on her site, specifically about social marketing for writers, that you’d be foolish to not take advantage of her wisdom. I’m subscribed to her blog, and I couldn’t do without it. I save all those emails to go over again and again. One of these days, I’m also going to pick up her book on (what else?) social marketing.
I do have to say here that these sites aren’t solely romance focused. Everyone is welcome, no matter what you write. In the industry, it’s my belief that Romance Writers of America have set the gold standard for writers helping each other. Even if you don’t write romance, I suggest you join – the support you’ll find, and the learning opportunities available at dirt cheap prices, are more than worth the price of admission ($90 a year, I believe – unless it’s gone up recently).
So these are my top writer sites. I’d love to hear about yours!
Hi Christine:
A couple of years ago I visited Holly’s site quite a bit. It was very helpful. There are so many generous authors willing to share their knowledge, just not enough time in the day if we want to write as well. ; ) I’m all for playing.
Of late I’d have to say the blogs/forums that I frequent each morning are Jenny Crusie, Lucy March (aka Lani Diane Rich) Nathan Bransford (who is no longer a literary agent but has a wealth of knowledge on everything) and Jessica Faust. I get something different from each one. When they include links to something of interest I swear I’m not going to click on it because time is getting away from me, but then of course I do. I’ve now allotted an hour and a half over breakfast and that second cup of coffee. Then the dog tells me it’s time for a walk. Thank goodness. Otherwise I’d still be in nightwear at noon.
Glad the book is on its way.
Roben! So glad you dropped by.
I dip into Nathan Bransford (didn’t know he wasn’t still an agent, so I guess it’s been awhile) every now and then. I haven’t gotten the Crusie bug, though I love her work – thanks for that tip, I’ll check her out. Jessica Faust is another one I haven’t read a lot.
I agree, it’s far too tempting to just troll from site to site. Limiting yourself is a great idea!
I love Pub Rants. While Kristin Nelson is a literary agent and not an author. She has great advice about not only the business of writing but also what catches the eye of agents and editors.
I like Pub Rants, but I find (since she’s a busy woman) that most of the “good stuff” is tucked away amongst her past posts. I definitely keep her on my read list, but she’s not the top at this point. I guess I’m still learning!
Hi Christine;
I’m a member of Savvy Authors as well. They have outstanding classes offered there. I just need more time to take them!
I haven’t been to the other two sites, but will check them out.
For suspense writers, Lisa Gardner’s website has a ton of information on writing suspense.
Stephanie Bond also has writing tips on her website, although I think she may be charging for some of them now.
I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting – and they’ll come to me as soon as I post this response!
My editor is on Savvy Authors, so I joined at her nudging. You’re right, tons of great classes there!
Thanks for dropping Lisa Gardner’s site, and Stephanie Bond. I have read both and enjoy them tremendously. I’ll have to check their websites out.
Thanks for stopping by and playing!
At this stage, it’s more useful for me to read sites about the business side of things. So my top sites are
(both of them are writing nonfiction books about freelancing, the changing landscape of publishing, etc., on their blogs)
I also love Jenny Crusie’s ( and Neil Gaiman’s ( mostly for fun, but they both drop amazing tips on a regular basis!
Thanks, Dayle! I’ll definitely look into those. Savvy Authors and Kristin Lamb’s site are definitely business-oriented, not so much how to write oriented. IMO, at any rate!