This whole working during the day thing is tiring, you know? I was going to post the blog yesterday, and I lost my new password. So I went to sleep, instead.
Today I was up and gone before the birds I think. No, not really, but it felt like it. So the blog didn’t get written. And I’m not writing it now, since hubby is pouring me champagne in congrats on my first week at the job.
Here’s hoping by the end of the year I’ll be skinnier and have two books finished, as WELL as handling the job with flair.
Blog tomorrow, I promise!
Hi Christine. Congrats on the new job. It sounds like you’re happy with the decision, although tired, which is to be expected. Give yourself two weeks to adjust and all will be well. : ) Me, I’ve been running into scams everywhere. I blogged yesterday about two and on the way up to L.A. in the afternoon, ran across my third one. Hope the cycle is broken now. It’s a strange world we’re living in but it pleases me to know that at least someone I know has found a job. Yay!!!
Thanks, Robena! Yeah, the whole job thing kind of fell into my lap. All I can say is, thank goodness for good friends! Hugs hon – it was great to see you today!