Today kicks off my Writer Wednesday feature. I’ll be showcasing writers with interviews, guest blog posts, blurbs of their latest books, and so forth. For my inaugural guest, please welcome author Patricia C. Lee!
Patricia, let’s get down to the interview. (Rubs hands.) No, don’t squirm. This won’t hurt!
CA: What do you write?
PCL: I write fantasy/romance now, but have written literary short stories as well as one-act and full length plays (one of which was staged at a theatre regional festival in 2006).
CA: Other than writing, what is your favorite creative endeavor?
PCL: Hmmm, well I love to bake (is that classified as creative??) In my house it’s almost a necessity (my hubby is a HUGE cookie monster LOL!). I used to do a lot of cross stitch but that’s put to the wayside for a while because once I start a project I keep at it. This then takes away from my writing. OH! And I’ve only just recently got into making book trailers and I find that I LOVE it!! In fact I like it as much as the actual writing. If I could make money at it, I’d do it for a living!
CA: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
PCL: As corny as this sounds I love living in Canada, and if I could afford it, I’d live in Parksville, British Columbia in an instant.
CA: Name three joys in your life.
PCL: Without sounding too esoteric, my health is number one. I know too many friends and family members that have major health issues and I am so thankful I don’t. Other than that, I’d have to say reading (duh, of course), my hubby and my cats. Ohhh, and can I add wine to that too!!
CA: If you could share a meal with any author or any literary character, who would you choose, and what would you serve?
PCL: Literary character is a stumper because there isn’t one that stands out over the other. As for author, Sidney Sheldon, my all-time favorite. Since he’s passed away, well what would you serve a ghost!! But seriously, if he was alive, umm, I make an awesome Beef Sirloin tips in mushroom sauce that my husband says could be on a restaurant menu. That served over butter noodles, accompanied with baby spinach salad, and to finish off the meal my show-stopper – Black Forest Cake (spoken about in hushed and reverend tones LOL!!)
CA: WOW – that sounds totally yummy!
CA: Is there anything else you want people to know about you?
PCL: Well, as you can see I have a somewhat warped sense of humor. But I do take my writing very seriously because I believe if people are going to spend their hard-earned money on my books, then I had better make sure it’s the best it could possibly be.
Thanks for answering. See, that didn’t hurt, lol! Now, let’s get to the book, shall we?
Here’s the Cover:
Here’s the Blurb:
Destiny’s Present (Book 2 Daughters of the Crescent Moon):
The sorceress Narena has done many things for Leisos – advised the king, helped heal a young girl and sent a prince forward in time to save his life. Now, to protect her people, she may have to sacrifice herself, her lover, her child. Maybe even all three.
She hunts for the one who threatens the royal family and the throne of Leisos. And also seeks the daughter taken from her at birth. There’s only one problem. They might be one and the same. What she finds on her quest is love and hate, loyalty and betrayal, and a revelation that will change her life forever.
Ardis is a warrior and former captain of the king’s army. His allegiance to the throne lives in his blood – as does the secret he carries. He will protect both at all costs. Even if it means killing Narena – or someone she loves.
Here’s where you can find Patricia! Go stalk her, if you don’t mind (because I know she won’t mind, lol!)
Website –
BUY LINK: Destiny’s Present
Thanks for dropping by, Patricia – the book looks totally awesome! I’m loading it up on my Kindle as we speak.
Are you interested in being on Writer Wednesday? Drop me an email and let’s talk!
~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~
Demon Soul, Blood Dreams and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?
I love this cover and the books sound fabulous.
Thanks Rebecca. Yeah, the cover rocks!! Appreciate you stopping by.
Thanks so much for having me on your blog today, Christine. And you’re right, it wasn’t painful! 🙂
Pat, I’m SO glad you dropped by! It’s been wonderful having you as my inaugural Writer Wednesday experiment – uh, guest! Cheers hon!
Great interview, ladies! Pat, the new book sounds wonderful! Can’t wait to read it!
What a lovely interview, Christine and Pat. And that is a gorgeous cover.
I like that your hubs is a cookie monster. Nothing like baking and thinking to create storylines or fill plot holes. And then you get the pleasure of watching someone enjoy your creative kitchen work. : )
Hi Robena. Yes, I went a little nuts on the Christmas baking this year. Most of it is still in the freezer. Gotta hit the gym soon LOL!! Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks Pat and Christine. Fun post. Your book sounds really interesting and I think it’s a cool cover.
Can I come over for supper when you serve Beef Sirloin tips in mushroom sauce? My mouth instantly started watering. Oh that’s right, you’re in Canada, I’m in N.Y.. Well I’ll just have to fantasize about it while I eat my leftovers. lol
Hi Donna: Anytime you’re north of the 49, stop on by. Or you can check out the recipe for the sirloin tips on I believe it’s under beef sirloin tips in mustard sauce. Can’t share my Black Forest Cake recipe – I’d have to kill ya then LOL!!
Thanks checking out Destiny’s Present!!
Thanks, Donna! I know, doesn’t that food sound delish?
Hi Pat.
I need to read faster. My TBR list is growing by the mile. Can’t wait to get to yours 🙂
Thanks Jean. I know, my TBR list is enormous and growing. Still didn’t get an eReader for Christmas. Sigh. One day. Thanks for stopping by.
Great interview! Thanks for bringing it to us, Christine!
My pleasure, Connie! Can’t wait to read Pat’s story!
Hey Constance. Appreciate the comment. 🙂
Fun interview, ladies. Kudos to you both!
Thanks Sam. Christine had the best questions!!